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Friday, May 31, 2013

Food Security...

I've talked about  food security before.   The idea of a person having access to enough food.  A food insecure person does not.  This article reiterates the importance of being food secure for + people.  Those  who weren't food secure in the beginning of their treatment were twice as likely to die as those who had adequate access to food.

This isn't about poor people living in the poorest countries of the world.  This study took place in Canada, but others have been done in other industrial nations, including the US.  Food security saves lives.  If you aren't food secure, it's hard to focus on much else, even your own health.  Many meds require food to be taken.  

I find it odd some people think we can so surely cure HIV in a reasonable amount of time when we can't even get enough food to everyone who needs it.  The problem with curing HIV & hunger is simple, motivation.  Many people & most nations/corporations really aren't all that concerned with taking care of these things.  They aren't motivated enough to change their priorities to say feeding people comes before paying politicians, athletes & CEO's out the nose.  Until then this will remain an issue.


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