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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Really Tired Of All The Crap...

Lately my mornings have been less than pleasant.  Our older cat has decided the cat box is no longer up to his standards & is leaving "gifts" about the house.  Between those & his ability to a regular little puke factory, messes abound.  

Almost everywhere I look on the TV or the net all I'm seeing is immensely negative stories & op-ed's.  Constant rehashing of political & ideological BS.   The best new article I found today was a bout a + group that wrote a letter reaming Tyler Perry for his portrayal of HIV in his last movie.  It may have been appropriate, but it was still negative & won't accomplish anything.

Then there's the recent rash of early, morning, noise-makers in my area.  Every damn idiot out there seems to think 7 AM is the perfect time to mow their damn lawn.   I seriously wish unkind things on these people.   Combine all that mowing with the ongoing wind gusts we've been having & my sinuses are hellish.

So, no more crap kitty, negative BS ideology or inconsiderate lawn people.  I'll just hope for nice things, like people concreting over their stupid grass.


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