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Thursday, May 9, 2013


Not sure exactly why, but today has been the day of the serious sneezes for me.   The weather is a little off today, we have a chance for rain.  We need it, even if I would like it to stay sunny for a bit.  I could really use for things to be a little more light, in most senses of the word.

Things aren't going bad, but the fallout from previous crap is still lingering.  It'd be nice for some down time without bad crap or dismal weather.  Just a few nice days would help things a lot.

My roomie & I are both still a bit hesitant about the van.  Here's hoping it behaves.  The pipes are in serious gurgle mode & that probably means calling the plumber back.  Yeah, there goes more $.  For once, I'd like to spend $ on what I had actually intended to spend it on, instead of something else that stupidly broke, yet again.

We're trying to get things a little more straightened up around the house, before my roomie's uncle arrives.  It's going OK.  He should be around tomorrow.  Hopefully everyone has a good visit before he has to head out again.


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