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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Another Day...

Not much going on here today.  I'm a bit lost for articles that aren't about things I haven't already covered, some repeatedly.  My area is beginning the process of recovery from the tornadoes.  It's something Oklahomans are accustomed to doing.  Twisters are just a fact of life in this area.

I'm sort of sick of the news, every time I turn it on it's about some sick religious or political bastard trying to make a name for piggish itself.  There have been stupids reasons given for the why the tornadoes happened.  Politicians don't want to support relief for the area unless they get their own agendas met.  Now, this morning, I read about some other religious nut jobs deciding to kill a British soldier in London.  

What I take away from this is easy, religion & politics are evil.


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