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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Getting Back...

Hopefully some of the local crud will calm down for a bit.  I'm feeling a bit better today.  Not having a great time with the net though.  It comes & goes, mostly stays gone on Facebook.  

We're apparently in the process of gaining new neighbors.  Oh joy!  Maybe the house can burn down before then.  It's done it once already.   So far everyone that's come to the house across the street looks fairly undesirable.   It seems whoever owns the house wants to rent it to loud people.  

Most of the articles I've been coming across lately have been about foreign matters.  Not that those things are unimportant, but I mostly don't discuss them unless they'll have some impact on my area.

It's Memorial Day weekend here in the US.  I hope everyone is enjoying it.  To me, it just means another day the mail won't run.  I'm so festive & supportive.


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