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Wednesday, May 15, 2013


It's another Wednesday & another trash day.  I know I have a fascination with it, but I really like getting as much crap out of the house as possible.  The weather is mellow & I'm feeling pretty well today.  My sleep has been pretty good lately & that always helps how I feel.   Luckily my allergies haven't been too hellish so far.  There have been less than pleasant days, but I haven't broken down to taking allergy meds daily yet.

It's weird to be thankful for trash day, but I am.  I sort of like the fact I am.  It's a relatively small thing, but still important.  If it wasn't for the garbage men, I'd have to haul off trash or burn it.  I'm doing my best lately to really notice the little things that let me do better.  Heaven knows it's often the little things that can take me out of the game.

I hope on this humpday everyone is doing well.  


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