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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hello Wednesday, Goodbye Boxes...

Well it's trash day again.  The push to rid our house of more crap is moving into gear.   We took out an  assortment of collected boxes that were taking up way too much space & not serving any purpose.    

Boxes, they pile up quickly.  You tell yourself things like, "I need to keep that box, I might have to return that whatever..."  Or, "It's a good box, surely I'll use it for something.  That's fine until your couple of boxes has multiplied into a whole side of the roomful.  

That's how things are in life.  Unless you pay attention to them, the unneeded/unwanted things we accumulate soon take up far more of lives than we had ever planned.  Sometimes, dealing with those things just seems too daunting, so we leave them alone & they continue to grow.  

I like it when we actually say, "Enough" & take the crap to the curb.  There's a lot of stuff in our lives we hold on to for too long for no good reason.   For me at least, it's always nice to see it go away.  The desktop may not stay cleaned off for long, but for the duration, I really like it.


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