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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Environmental Factors...

Spring is here & that brings a host of environmental phenomenon that weren't present (or as much so) during the cooler months.  There are the obvious kinds like mowing, pollen & mold.  But there are others.

Noise is a biggy.  Mowing & weed eating raises a racket.  School's out & little child have big lungs.  I fully support a muzzle law on them.  The windows are open, making the noise seem louder.  Birds are in full chirp.  People are spending more time outside socializing.  I think most of them are deaf, because I can plainly hear the conversations over 50' away.

Smells are also a problem.  There used to be a bakery factory near us, but it shut down.  Bad for the workers, but good for us.  Every night the roomie & I'd be dying for brownies, apparently night time was brownie making time.  A little further over is an animal feed plant.  It can reek of sorghum on hot, summer nights.  

The wind brings unwanted smells & things to our home.  It rushes dust, pollen & debris to the house.  It makes a near constant noise.  Then, less than a mile a way they're working on the railroad.   Creosote covered wood stinks.  Right behind that is where the city is burning all the debris they collect.  So, add wind carried chemicals & burnt debris to the mix.

This really isn't just complaining about crap.  I'm pointing out, that at any given time there environmental factors impacting your day to day life.  Therefore affecting your health.   Right now all the burning & wind carried crap has left me with bad sinuses & a bit of a fever.  When you're +, you have to watch things like these & make sure they don't escalate to something worse.

For me, the smells may be bad, but I hate the noise more. My remote should have a mute button for children, neighbors & outdoor animals. Soon, it will be Summer & the roar of fans will cover most the outdoor noises.  It'll be too hot for the animals to make noise or the children to play.  The fire hazard will be too high for the city to burn crap.  Here's to the heat of Summer (sarcasm there, well at least a little bit).


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