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Friday, May 31, 2013

Food Security...

I've talked about  food security before.   The idea of a person having access to enough food.  A food insecure person does not.  This article reiterates the importance of being food secure for + people.  Those  who weren't food secure in the beginning of their treatment were twice as likely to die as those who had adequate access to food.

This isn't about poor people living in the poorest countries of the world.  This study took place in Canada, but others have been done in other industrial nations, including the US.  Food security saves lives.  If you aren't food secure, it's hard to focus on much else, even your own health.  Many meds require food to be taken.  

I find it odd some people think we can so surely cure HIV in a reasonable amount of time when we can't even get enough food to everyone who needs it.  The problem with curing HIV & hunger is simple, motivation.  Many people & most nations/corporations really aren't all that concerned with taking care of these things.  They aren't motivated enough to change their priorities to say feeding people comes before paying politicians, athletes & CEO's out the nose.  Until then this will remain an issue.


Thursday, May 30, 2013

New, Cheaper & Faster...

This article talks about a new HIV test is offered in San Antonio, TX.  This test has several advantages:

  • It's slightly more accurate at 99.8%
  • It's cost is 1/2 it's predecessor @ $8 US
  • It's fast at 1 minute for results
  • It can detect the virus earlier after exposure

These test are done on site & require a blood draw.  It looks to be a finger prick.  The client & a counselor see the results at the same time.  If the person tests +, then an additional blood draw is taken & sent off for additional testing.

I like this a lot.  I like this more than home testing.  For all the reasons in the bullet points, but also for the fact this person isn't alone & that a secondary test is initialize immediately if needed.   I hope the INSTI HIV-1  Antibody Test is offered at more centers soon.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013


This article is about a possible game-changer in the treatment of HIV.   1 of the biggest issues dealing with the HIV virus, is its capsid.  A capsid is sort of like the candy shell on an M&M.   It encases the virus protecting it from outside elements until it enters a cell, then the capsid breaks down.   Until now, scientist have been unable to completely map out & understand the nature of HIV's capsid.

Now they understand the nature of this coating.  This opens other doors of possible therapies for HIV.   There is the approach of making the capsid stronger & unable to break down at all.  This  would basically make the virus incapable of infecting cells & therefore harmless.  The 2nd is the exact opposite, destroying the capsid.  This would leave the virus less defended & exposed to environmental factors.    This exposure could reduce the virus's ability to reproduce & mutate.

This is an interesting step in HIV research.  Hopefully, this approach will aid in fighting the virus.  It could become part of a vaccine or immunization therapy.  Have to watch for this as it develops.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Really Tired Of All The Crap...

Lately my mornings have been less than pleasant.  Our older cat has decided the cat box is no longer up to his standards & is leaving "gifts" about the house.  Between those & his ability to a regular little puke factory, messes abound.  

Almost everywhere I look on the TV or the net all I'm seeing is immensely negative stories & op-ed's.  Constant rehashing of political & ideological BS.   The best new article I found today was a bout a + group that wrote a letter reaming Tyler Perry for his portrayal of HIV in his last movie.  It may have been appropriate, but it was still negative & won't accomplish anything.

Then there's the recent rash of early, morning, noise-makers in my area.  Every damn idiot out there seems to think 7 AM is the perfect time to mow their damn lawn.   I seriously wish unkind things on these people.   Combine all that mowing with the ongoing wind gusts we've been having & my sinuses are hellish.

So, no more crap kitty, negative BS ideology or inconsiderate lawn people.  I'll just hope for nice things, like people concreting over their stupid grass.


Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day...

Today is Memorial Day in the US.  It's supposed to be a day to remember fallen soldiers.   To many, if not most, that's only part of it.  Many look at it as a day of remembrance for all the dead.   Some say it's a day to recognize those who have fought in whatever way to insure our way of life.   For many, it's just a day off from work, with no mail or bank service.  Oh yes, I mustn't forget, it's a day to cook out or BBQ.

For some, any reason other than soldiers is a cause to become irate. I wish they'd find their own sandbox to stay in & leave the rest of us alone.  Whatever today is for you, I think it's good to remember those who came before you from time to time.  I think it's good to have get-togethers & go outside for some communal munching. 

Whatever today brings for you, I hope it suits your needs.


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Getting Back...

Hopefully some of the local crud will calm down for a bit.  I'm feeling a bit better today.  Not having a great time with the net though.  It comes & goes, mostly stays gone on Facebook.  

We're apparently in the process of gaining new neighbors.  Oh joy!  Maybe the house can burn down before then.  It's done it once already.   So far everyone that's come to the house across the street looks fairly undesirable.   It seems whoever owns the house wants to rent it to loud people.  

Most of the articles I've been coming across lately have been about foreign matters.  Not that those things are unimportant, but I mostly don't discuss them unless they'll have some impact on my area.

It's Memorial Day weekend here in the US.  I hope everyone is enjoying it.  To me, it just means another day the mail won't run.  I'm so festive & supportive.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Environmental Factors...

Spring is here & that brings a host of environmental phenomenon that weren't present (or as much so) during the cooler months.  There are the obvious kinds like mowing, pollen & mold.  But there are others.

Noise is a biggy.  Mowing & weed eating raises a racket.  School's out & little child have big lungs.  I fully support a muzzle law on them.  The windows are open, making the noise seem louder.  Birds are in full chirp.  People are spending more time outside socializing.  I think most of them are deaf, because I can plainly hear the conversations over 50' away.

Smells are also a problem.  There used to be a bakery factory near us, but it shut down.  Bad for the workers, but good for us.  Every night the roomie & I'd be dying for brownies, apparently night time was brownie making time.  A little further over is an animal feed plant.  It can reek of sorghum on hot, summer nights.  

The wind brings unwanted smells & things to our home.  It rushes dust, pollen & debris to the house.  It makes a near constant noise.  Then, less than a mile a way they're working on the railroad.   Creosote covered wood stinks.  Right behind that is where the city is burning all the debris they collect.  So, add wind carried chemicals & burnt debris to the mix.

This really isn't just complaining about crap.  I'm pointing out, that at any given time there environmental factors impacting your day to day life.  Therefore affecting your health.   Right now all the burning & wind carried crap has left me with bad sinuses & a bit of a fever.  When you're +, you have to watch things like these & make sure they don't escalate to something worse.

For me, the smells may be bad, but I hate the noise more. My remote should have a mute button for children, neighbors & outdoor animals. Soon, it will be Summer & the roar of fans will cover most the outdoor noises.  It'll be too hot for the animals to make noise or the children to play.  The fire hazard will be too high for the city to burn crap.  Here's to the heat of Summer (sarcasm there, well at least a little bit).


Friday, May 24, 2013

Not The Best Day...

I've hit some snags on what I wanted to do today & it's left me a little foul.  I won't go into detail about it all, it wouldn't do any good.    Let's just say the details got in the way of my day again.  Turns out 1 of those details was fire ants.  


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Another Day...

Not much going on here today.  I'm a bit lost for articles that aren't about things I haven't already covered, some repeatedly.  My area is beginning the process of recovery from the tornadoes.  It's something Oklahomans are accustomed to doing.  Twisters are just a fact of life in this area.

I'm sort of sick of the news, every time I turn it on it's about some sick religious or political bastard trying to make a name for piggish itself.  There have been stupids reasons given for the why the tornadoes happened.  Politicians don't want to support relief for the area unless they get their own agendas met.  Now, this morning, I read about some other religious nut jobs deciding to kill a British soldier in London.  

What I take away from this is easy, religion & politics are evil.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Native Americans & + Stigma...

This article is brief, but telling.  It deals with + Navajo living on a reservation & the stigma facing the + people living in this small community.  These people are sacrificing their care out of fear of being stigmatized & shunned.   All the while the cases of HIV are on the rise, up 20% since 2011.     

This community has to deal with it's antiquated ideals about things regarding HIV & homosexuality.  If it  doesn't,  at this rate there won't be very many people on the reservation who aren't +.   These people fear being found out & ostracized by their friends & family.  They might be family, but they're hardly friends if they'd leave someone over being +.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Bad Weather, Now That's An Understatement...

I've been going on about how the weather's been for me the past few days.  It hasn't been fun, but it didn't kill me.  If you've been near any news source, then you know Oklahoma got pummeled yet again by tornadoes.  This time was worse than usual.

Weather is a source of contention for us these days.  We simply don't know what it's going to do anymore.  This article is about "snow anxiety".  Now I would have thought that was anxiety induced by having to deal with snow, like driving in it.   However, in this article, it's the opposite.  The changing weather has left the northeast US with much less snowfall & its having serious impact on everyone.  The article mainly talked about the kids & lack of Winter activities, but that doesn't lessen the impact any.

While this change in the weather is finally letting up enough for me not to feel like crap.  It may just be an interlude until the next wave of twisters.   We simply don't know.  We can forecast & may predictions, but that isn't knowledge.  Even for those not directly effected by the tornadoes, the impact is serious.  There are all sorts of services impacted due to the storms.  Some people get anxious just at the mention of storms, let alone actually having tornadoes nearby.

I'm certain weather alters how I feel & I can't help but wonder how all these weather flux will affect people's health.  


Monday, May 20, 2013

On The Verge...

We've  been on the verge of bad weather for a couple of days here now.   Parts of Oklahoma have been hit hard with tornadoes & high winds.  We haven't had anything yet.  That's good & bad.  It's good we haven't been hit with a twister, but bad because we've been sitting on the edge of this front for a while now it's been hell on me.  

The pressure has been shifting every hour or so, resulting in coming & going sinus pressure.  I've been stiff for over a day now.  I just wish the weather pattern would get on with it or go away.

It's also messing with the internet.  The net keeps blipping out & slowing down.  So, even this short post is being difficult to get through.  

We've been on the verge of storms, twisters & flooding.  We've also been on the edge of headaches, stiffness & nausea.  Such is Oklahoma weather in the late Spring.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Warm & Wet...

Yesterday was our 1st seriously warm day so far & it was a bit unpleasant.  Today's just as warm but not as humid.  By this time yesterday it was 89 F & 89% humidity, which made it feel like over 100 F.  Quite a jump from what we'd had the day before.  Today the humidity is still higher in the upper 50's, but that 30 less % makes a huge difference in how things feel.

Neither my roomie or I felt well yesterday after dealing with the unexpected swelter.  But today is being rather nice so far.  Even though Summer's still over a month a way, I think Spring weather is just about over. I was seriously hoping to have more nice seasonal days before hitting the heat.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Short Post About A Longish Article...

This article is about the effects of loneliness.  It's a must read.  It deals with the ramifications of loneliness in all facets of health;  mental, physical, even genetic.  Read this 1.

The impact being lonely can have is not only significant, it can be deadly.  It can alter our bodies as well as our mental state. The article deals with some early studies in gay men, some + while others weren't.  It showed the effects of loneliness on these men's health.  It showed how negatively their quality of life became due to this variable.

I really hope you read this piece.


Friday, May 17, 2013

Movie Time...

We're off to see the new Star Trek, so no post today.  I've liked the reboot so far.  I'm just sorta dreading looking at Benedict Cumberbatch for that long.  I know some people like his look, but I don't see the appeal.  He's half the reason I have yet to look at the BBC Sherlock.  

Oh well, gotta go, have a great Friday everyone.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Bit Of A Complaint....

Sometimes I don't find articles I want to or feel comfortable covering.   I can deal with those times.  I try to resist becoming overly politicized or ideological with the things I cover.

What I'm complaining about is the sheer number of articles that aren't articles at all.   Some, merely reiterate other works via bullet points.  Some are bias-based rants.  Others are simply abstracts.  None of these are articles.

What I do is reiteration & opinionating about the articles I've selected.   But this is a blog post, a mere blurb, not an article.  Unless your rant has something relevant to offer in an academic, logical or empirical sense it isn't an article. It's just venting.  

Abstracts are not articles.  They are very brief summations of articles.  This is an abstract of an article covering the process of dealing with psychopharmacology with patients who are +.   This abstract is very concise & says very little.  It isn't supposed to, it's only a preview of the actual article. The article will go into more depth on the subject.

My complaint here is that too many people are posting articles that are actually just abstracts & in all actuality say nothing.   There's this great title of what appears to be a relevant work only to get to it & find the most informative thing about the post was the title.  

I, like many bloggers who cover a specialized topic, look for pertinent pieces to cover.  I don't write the articles.   I merely summarize & react to them.  I've never claimed to do more.    I just wish the people claiming to post articles, understood what 1 actually was.

BTW, this is a sorta rant, so it isn't an article.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013


It's another Wednesday & another trash day.  I know I have a fascination with it, but I really like getting as much crap out of the house as possible.  The weather is mellow & I'm feeling pretty well today.  My sleep has been pretty good lately & that always helps how I feel.   Luckily my allergies haven't been too hellish so far.  There have been less than pleasant days, but I haven't broken down to taking allergy meds daily yet.

It's weird to be thankful for trash day, but I am.  I sort of like the fact I am.  It's a relatively small thing, but still important.  If it wasn't for the garbage men, I'd have to haul off trash or burn it.  I'm doing my best lately to really notice the little things that let me do better.  Heaven knows it's often the little things that can take me out of the game.

I hope on this humpday everyone is doing well.  


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Normal Tuesday...

My roomie's uncle posted he got home in Colorado safely.  We're getting back into our normal routine.  So far, May is being very pleasant.  Last year at this time we already had the AC on & the temps were over 100 F.  There isn't much going on here today.

The articles I'm coming across mostly deal with comorbidity of illnesses with HIV.  Being infected with HIV & 1 or more STD's, TB &/or Hepatitis strains is becoming a common issue.  This only stresses the need for testing & education in regards to these illnesses.  

I guess it's going to be empirically interesting to see how all these illnesses interplay with each & the phenomenon that emerge due to their mutual presences in the body.  Won't be such a treat for the people infected, but that's the way it goes as long as these illnesses run rampant.

The word for today is, Comorbidity.  You don't want it.


Monday, May 13, 2013

Holiday Weirdness...

Yesterday was Mother's Day & for some people it's just another awkward holiday.  It's an honorific holiday   For many people the honor is well deserved, for others not so much.  The day is strange for some though.

It might be difficult or odd for a person trying to become a mother or have lost their mothers.  I'm not trying to become a mother & even though my mother just passed 2 years ago, we hadn't been close in years.  We hadn't even spoken since the 80's.  So her death for me was more of a formality than a finality.

The people I had lunch yesterday were a different story.  Within the past several years they'd lost a mother & a grandmother.  My roomie's uncle had lost his mother & sister.  For some, I'm sure this was a time to rejoice & commemorate, for others it's peculiar, nostalgic & maybe even painful.

It's days like these that can take a toll on you without you even really understanding why.   If you're chronically ill & there are days when you're sideswiped by emotion due to a loss or just the nature of the holiday it causes stress.  It's just another thing in your life you didn't need.  It may seem silly something like can impact your health, but it can.  

For all of those who had a good Mother's Day, I'm happy for you.  For those that didn't, my hopes you find comfort go out to you.  To me it's just another day when people by cards & gifts.   Great commercialism, huh?


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Going Out Today...

We've got plans for this afternoon, so this is getting cut short.   We're having lunch with the roomie's uncle & other family members.  I don't usually go, but I was directly asked, so I'm heading out.  Hopefully this goes smoothly.

Other than that things around here seems to be going well here on Mother's Day.   Not that any one's getting any special notice about being a mother in my household.  The only mother here, is 1 of the neighbor's cats.


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Weather Issues...

I talk about weather a lot because it can screw with like nothing else can.  When I blogged yesterday I felt pretty good & was going about my business.  An hour or so later a weather front moved through & it dropped me.  I felt like crap & didn't feel up to doing anything.   A few hours later & the front passed through & I started feeling better.  

Today, I'm doing OK, even though it's back to being a bit brisk outside.  It may not be this way for everyone, but for me there's very little of my health weather can't impact.   The weather can alter allergy & mold levels.  It can make the dew point raise high enough for my feet to warn me of a potential gout flare up.  It makes me achy, stiff & tired.

The funny thing is, I read things like this all the time from other people.  But, when you mention it to your doctor, half of them look at you like your crazy.  I think weather related health phenomenon pisses some doctors off, because they can't control it.  They can't prescribe a pill for it.  I'm sure sure pharmaceutical companies are trying to develop a weather pill for the world.

It's just strange that in a matter of a few hours I can go from feeling pretty good to crappy to alright just because the weather changed.


Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday's Back...

My roomie's uncle stopped for a bit today.  They planned to see each other for again on Sunday.  He's involved with a school reunion & it's his graduating year's turn to plan the upcoming 1 for next year.  So, he's pretty busy.  

This brief visit altered our plans a bit, so we opted to go out for some fish.  There's a local place that does pretty decent fish, but only on Wednesdays & Fridays.  This is putting my schedule off some what, but hey, I got fish, so I'm happy.

It rained a little this morning, but now it's nice & bright out.  This suits me better.  I don't think I'd fair well living in the NW US.  My sister lives in the Seattle area & always talks about the rain.  I don't like dreary weather.

Overall, it's been a pretty good day.  Even if I didn't sleep very well last night.  I think things are starting to mellow out a bit.  I hope so, I could use the time off from all the crap.  

I really hope everyone is doing well.


Thursday, May 9, 2013


Not sure exactly why, but today has been the day of the serious sneezes for me.   The weather is a little off today, we have a chance for rain.  We need it, even if I would like it to stay sunny for a bit.  I could really use for things to be a little more light, in most senses of the word.

Things aren't going bad, but the fallout from previous crap is still lingering.  It'd be nice for some down time without bad crap or dismal weather.  Just a few nice days would help things a lot.

My roomie & I are both still a bit hesitant about the van.  Here's hoping it behaves.  The pipes are in serious gurgle mode & that probably means calling the plumber back.  Yeah, there goes more $.  For once, I'd like to spend $ on what I had actually intended to spend it on, instead of something else that stupidly broke, yet again.

We're trying to get things a little more straightened up around the house, before my roomie's uncle arrives.  It's going OK.  He should be around tomorrow.  Hopefully everyone has a good visit before he has to head out again.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hello Wednesday, Goodbye Boxes...

Well it's trash day again.  The push to rid our house of more crap is moving into gear.   We took out an  assortment of collected boxes that were taking up way too much space & not serving any purpose.    

Boxes, they pile up quickly.  You tell yourself things like, "I need to keep that box, I might have to return that whatever..."  Or, "It's a good box, surely I'll use it for something.  That's fine until your couple of boxes has multiplied into a whole side of the roomful.  

That's how things are in life.  Unless you pay attention to them, the unneeded/unwanted things we accumulate soon take up far more of lives than we had ever planned.  Sometimes, dealing with those things just seems too daunting, so we leave them alone & they continue to grow.  

I like it when we actually say, "Enough" & take the crap to the curb.  There's a lot of stuff in our lives we hold on to for too long for no good reason.   For me at least, it's always nice to see it go away.  The desktop may not stay cleaned off for long, but for the duration, I really like it.


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

This Is It...

For a while now, my posts have been off.  Off canter, off focus, off topic, just lots & lots of off's.  My point is simple, welcome to the life of someone with HIV.  At least someone's life who didn't get medical attention nearly soon enough.  

Nowadays, they want you to get tested & diagnosed within 6 weeks of exposure & have treatment soon after.  I don't think the tests that were available when I was diagnosed could even test that early.  I was always told there was a window of up to 3 months.  I know very well I was way past both deadlines.

I was probably + for at least a few years, if not longer, before being diagnosed.  As I've said, I had a few false negatives even though I was ill.   My viral load was astronomical & my CD4 was non-existent.  Even after I was diagnosed, it was still well over a year before I was on steady treatment.

The effects are clear, some days, sometimes even weeks, I feel like shit.   I don't focus well.  I don't do much of anything well.  I'm tired & distracted.

Lately with the weather changes, financial issues & health stuff, I've been seriously off my game. I've mostly kept up with the day to day stuff, but that's about it.   The weather seems to be leveling out & it's making a difference.  Hopefully, some of the other crap will lay off for a bit & I can regain a bit more composure.

So, the posts haven't been what I'd like them to have been.  But, they were what I could do at the moment.  Sometimes moving from moment to moment is all I can pull off.  It's seriously annoying, but it's what I can do.  This is my life.  Some days, I function relatively well, others I'm lucky to get out of bed.

Such as it is, this is the life of + person in his 40's living in rural Oklahoma.  A person who's been diagnosed + for over 12 years & on at best, so-so to fair medical treatment.  This is it.


Monday, May 6, 2013

Oops, Forgot...

I just noticed it's getting late & I haven't wrote anything today.  We had to run some impromptu errands & that distracted me.   We didn't accomplish a lot, but we did have some good food.  So, at least there was that.  Still, the day has left me tired.

We've got most the bills paid for the month & some shopping done.  The lawn guy is supposed to be here tomorrow.  Things are in the works or done for the month.  Yeah.


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cinco De Mayo...

Yesterday was for the 4th & today's for the 5th.   May the Force, Juan Solo or Tequila be with you.    It seems the 1st of May isn't an opportune time for articles.  There are lot's of them out there but most are either out of my scope or things I've dealt with already.

Today's getting warmer again, finally.  I'm starting to feel better than I have.  Hopefully, the weather was the problem & I can get on with things.

My roomie's uncle will be here sometime this upcoming week.  She doesn't get to see him often.  He lives in Colorado.  He's a got a busy schedule while he's here.  I hope things go smoothly for him.

About time to have the grass mowed again.  That is if it actually gets a chance to dry out.  Hopefully it'll get done this week sometime before it rains again.


Saturday, May 4, 2013

May The 4th Be With You...

4 days into May already, wow.  I found this article on personal risk levels.  It's a good read.  I've discussed most of it before, but those who aren't followers of this blog, it details factors that increase a person's risk level.  Mostly being under 25, male, ethnic & not hetero.

Today's a weird day.  The weather is dreary & drizzling.  It feels like February not May.  The lawn should be getting mowed soon, but it keeps raining.

Not much going on here today & I'm glad.  This weather has got me beat.  I'm feeling stiff, tired & dehydrated.  Not to mention cold & damp.

Here's hoping Spring weather actually arrives & sticks around.


Friday, May 3, 2013

It's A Cold & Busy Day...

Woke up to a serious chill in the house.   People less than an hour away from me got snow.  Yes, snow in May.  No, the weather isn't screwed up at all.

But we have a full line up today, so out we go.

  • Go shopping
  • Do some house hold chores
  • Get cleaned up
  • Do some exercise
  • Go to the bank
  • Catch up on some missed Eps
  • Pay bills
  • Get $ orders
  • Cook
  • Watch Fashion Star
  • Debate the viability of Vegas
Besides being chilly, I'm also a bit rushed today, so I'll be back tomorrow.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Weird Weather...

This won't be long, the net is being sluggish & glitchy here.  It's probably due to the weather.   Yesterday we made it to 85 F.  We've already hit today's predicted high of 55 & our low is somewhere in the 30's.  Outside is a drizzle-fest of drear again.  

I've got some things to get done today before I make a trip over to Fort Smith.  Have to pick up the roomie. I hope the weather doesn't suck too bad or I may head over earlier than planned.

I don't trust the van right now.  It keeps flaking out.  Last time I drove in the rain, a wiper flipped out & I had a hell of time getting it replaced.   Who know's maybe it'll just drizzle.  Yeah, right up til the time I'm driving over there.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Cya April, Hello May...

Today's the 1st day of May.  The 1st entire month of Spring is gone & you know what.  Yesterday, it was in the upper 80's F here, but tomorrow night we could be down to the 30's.  Isn't the variety just wonderful? I've just seriously started getting blankets washed & windows opened & now this this.  

So, May might be erratic.  I just hope it's a cheaper month than April was for us.  Last month was stressful & I could use a less of the BS this month.  

April wasn't an entirely bad month.  At least we got a decent amount of rain.  Maybe I'll appreciate April more next year.  For now, it's nice to have you back May.
