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Friday, March 1, 2013

March 01...

The 1st of March is here & it's a bit chilly.  Even so, the allergens abound.  I'm seeing some flowers poking their greenery up, getting ready to bloom.  It's been a hard last few years for the flowers in the yard.  The drought has stunted or even killed off a lot of them.  We've lost a couple of flowering bushes & the irises didn't bloom at all last year.  I' m not sure what's going to happen with them.

The morning started with errands & we had planned on seeing Jack The Giant Slayer, but the reviews turned south over night.  Most people were saying not to see it in 3D.  If that's the case, we might as well wait until it's on Netflix.  We still made a food run to Papa Murphy's & picked up a pizza.

We're back now & it looks like a quiet weekend.  I have plans for food, so that makes things easier than having to wing it last minute.  There's just a few TV shows to catch up on & a DVD or 2 to get through.  I hope everyone has a great weekend.


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