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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Another Numbers Fest...

According the AIDS Gov Blog 1 in 4 new HIV infections is among people between the ages of 13 - 24.   I'm  not surprised.    It makes statements about how over 1,000 youth per month are diagnosed + with a prevalence of ethnics, gays & bi's in the numbers infected.

Again we're talking about marginalized people.  People often so disenfranchised with the status quo they often slip through the cracks of society.   The article goes on to say that 60% of  + young people have no idea that they're infected.  Therefore, they don't seek medical treatment & continue to spread the virus to others.

There isn't a lot new in this article, but it's serious enough to be worth repeating.  Other researchers have made these statements before, but now the CDC & other federal agencies are other supporting these claims.

It's easy, the more marginalized a person is or feels, the more apt they are to take part, willingly or not, in risky behavior.  This behavior model isn't being modified by anyone, so it's most likely going to continue.   This risky behavior leads to denial or dismissal about the possibilities of their actions.  So, the wheel keeps turning & the same-old, same old, just moves right along.

HIV will only be overcome via education, testing, treatment & inclusion of everyone.  It's really that simple.


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