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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Dirty Dentist...

This article is about yet another dentist that opted not to follow basic safety & hygiene protocols.  As a result, up to 7,000 people may have been exposed to HIV, Hepatitis & who knows what else. We just went through this a little while ago with another dentist.

To make matters worse this dentist is my own back yard so to speak.  He's in Tulsa, OK.  I used to live there & did have dental work done while I was living there.  I checked to make sure this wasn't the dentist I'd used.  

These dentists & any other health care provider who refuse to follow safety protocols should be jailed.  If they infected any one with HIV or Hepatitis, they should be shot.  There is no justification for this type of negligence or indifference.    I seriously hope this man gets fried.


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