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Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I've talked about acknowledging things before.  Mostly I've referred to recognizing things in your own life  that need acknowledging.  Today I'd like to talk a little about acknowledging others.

Most everyday when I get on Facebook there's a notification of someone's birthday.  It'd be easy just to overlook it & go on with my own stuff.  But, I don't.  I always post something to acknowledge the person's birthday.   It's utterly irrelevant if I know them personally or not.

I won't go through my day thinking, "You know, that person might not receive a single Happy Birthday today."  You might not think that's possible, but it is.  I don't know that many people personally any more.  So few people, basically only my roomie, personally acknowledges my B-Day.  

However, the 1st birthday I had once I got on Facebook I received several messages & such concerning my birthday.   Sure, I don't really know these people & it may have been a knee-jerk response for them.  But you know what?  I don't care.  It was nice to be acknowledged.  I know if I found it nice that others will too.

Try acknowledging people's birthdays on Facebook.  Hold a door for someone & actually make eye contact.  Smile a little more & say hello.  If I had a little more ready $  I'd go back to sending random, greeting cards like I did in college.  People seemed to like them,.  To bad I really don't know anyone to send them to anymore.

It doesn't take a lot to acknowledge someone, but the impact could be huge.


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