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Thursday, March 28, 2013


That sounds like such a nice word.  However, in this case that ain't necessarily so.  I had to apply for renewal with social services today for continuation of my benefits.  I hate this process.  There's so much that can screw-up, get misconstrued or otherwise go boom. 

I find it annoying this is an annual event.  They know how much $ I make.  They could simply require me to send in an annual bank statement.  No, I have to go through the whole process again.  My time is occupied, the social worker's time is taken & I'm left fractious until the whole thing is over.  

I applied online, but the damn site kept kicking me out, so it took forever.  I took down all the verification they said they needed.  Now, all I can do is wait for them to call.  They say they'll need a phone interview as well.  Why not just do this all at once?

Until this over, I'm bound to be a little nervous.


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