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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Here We Go...

Yesterday I posted about the miracle baby who apparently no longer has HIV.   I was hesitant to even post about it, because I knew what was going to happen.   There are articles all over the place calling this singular incident a cause for "global hope".  That's BS!

This article details why we shouldn't rush into statements & attitudes like that.  If this child is "cured" of HIV, she is still just 1 case.  There are literally 1,000's of reasons for why this could've happened & at this time there's no certainty about any of it.

I'm very happy for this child.  I hope her condition remains virus free.  Still, this case could lead to a lot issues with healthcare that could set everything back considerably.  I can only hope people will use some logic & common sense when considering what this 1 case might actually mean.


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