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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Paying For It...

This article somewhat details the settlement concerning an Ohio hospital that refused access into an alcohol treatment center because the person was +.  The hospital was found to be in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  This sounds great except for the fact it was basically a slap on the wrist.

The hospital was ordered to pay the complainant  $32,000 US & pay $5,000 in civil fines.  I'm sure there were court & attorney costs as well, but still.  For under $50K you can deny treatment to someone because they're +.  Oh yes, they also have to promise to initiate an anti-discrimination policy.

This was a nothing settlement.  This finding will do littlle to convince other medical institutions not to discriminate against those with HIV.  This was petty change for this institution.  It was probably covered by some form of insurance.

Yes, the $32K will be nice for the patient, if they ever actually see it.  Even if they do, after taxes, it'll be considerably less than that.  In the meantime, this person has not been in an alcohol treatment center.  That settlement will be no means cover the damage do to this person or the situation at hand.


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