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Monday, March 18, 2013

Slightly Manic Monday...

Today was a shopping day & it wound up getting extended to a trip over to Fort Smith.  Wal-Mart was out of a lot of the stuff we needed.  We opted to go get it today instead of waiting a week or longer for our local store to have it in stock.

I wouldn't mind the drive so much, if it wasn't for the weather being so dreary.  It's been grey here for 2 days now, with little actual rain.  At least it rained enough for me to put out bug granules in the yard.  Hopefully they'll kill off all the early fleas & slugs.

Everything was warming back up, then we took a dip.  It's a bit chilly today.  I actually turned back on the living room stove.This flip flop weather hasn't been great for me sinuses or sleep.  Oh well, it's nearly spring, things will start getting warm soon enough.


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