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Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Paddy's Day...

Happy St. Patrick's Day, especially to those who really embrace it.   It's a dreary day here for us.  It's been a drizzle fest all morning.  Luckily we don't have anything planned, so we aren't having to deal with the damp ick outdoors.

I've gotten about 2/3 of my exercise done for the day & most of what few chores I had to handle are underway or done.  We recently bought a pedal exerciser & it seems to be working well for us.  It may not be as strenuous as the steps, but I can do it when it's crappy weather outside or when I just don't feel up to any thing more involved.  

Some people don't give pedal machine much credit when it comes to calorie burning.  However, they do like it for increasing circulation.  Therefore it's good for helping with high blood pressure & cholesterol.  Regardless, it seems to be working for us so far & it was fairly cheap, just $25 US.  We'll use it til it dies.  If it doesn't die too soon, we'll probably get another 1.


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