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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Knowing Is Half The Battle...

This graphic is taken from this article based on the CDC's recent HIV report in the US.  Guess what?  1980's cartoons were right, "Knowing is half the battle" or "Knowledge is Power."   Take your pick.   The point here is simple, the states with the darker colors have higher rates of HIV.  The darkness also corresponds with states that lack of a comprehensive sex education in the school systems.  

The states with educational requirements concerning sex ed & HIV/STD ed had lower rates of transmission. I guess that's just a coincidence.  I'm sure the Southerners will blame on the Gays, drug users & ethnics.

This is just another case where Bible Thumpers & other moral idiots  have damned people to ignorance, disease & death.  Religion & morals have been the drive behind the stigma surrounding HIV & sex.   They're  the reasons these things are so difficult for some people to talk about.  Until we remove the question of morality from the discussion, HIV will continue to flourish.

Thanks ever so much all you holier-than-thou shits.


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