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Friday, March 15, 2013

Free Will...

I believe we are creatures of free will.  Social, environmental & biological issues can impact our baser drives, but our actions are our own.  I oppose the idea of predestination or destiny in general for that matter.  I believe some things may be more apt to happen, but something being more apt doesn't make it inevitable.

There are songs like Swedish House Mafia's - Don't You Worry Child that state "Heaven's got a plan for you."  There are people that say everything in life happens for a reason.  They believe some greater power has their life planned out in advance.  Then why bother living?

Personally, I think that's bull.  What happens in your life is due to actions taken yourself & other people, not some divine force.  Supporting predestination is saying that some god had it planned for babies to born to people who couldn't feed them, for wars to kill innocent people, for HIV to exist, etc...

I am who I am.  I am at where I am at, due to my actions & reactions to others' actions.  I am + because of things I did.  I don't sit around wondering what life would be like if I weren't +.   I don't look for someone to blame for me being +.  My being + is my doing.

I choose to accept my actions.  I'm doing my best to accept my life.  I can't change the past, so why live there?  Yes, bad things happen to people & they may not have done anything to have them happen.  But just because bad things do happen, it doesn't mean there's some destiny or purpose in it.  There's only the action & how you will react to it.

My advice to any + person is simple.  Accept the fact you're +.  Don't linger on things you can't change. Unless some matter or legality, ethics or negligence was involved, it really doesn't matter how you became +.  It won't change the reality of you being +.  

What you can do is accept it & choose how you are going live with it.  You can't do any more than that.  There is no cure & quite possibly there will never be 1.  Accept the new, + you & make a life for yourself.  

If this is sounding curt or nonchalant, it isn't meant to.  But, no good will come out of fighting reality or accepting fantastic destines.  Put your feet on the ground, accept your situation & make a plan to move forward.  It's really all you can do.


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