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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

New Drug...

This article details how the company Biotron has a new medication in development.  This medication unlike others doesn't target HIV in the T-Cells.  Instead it focuses on the virus existing in the background in longer lived cells called macrophages.  

These cells don't replicate HIV as quickly but they do so in a manner & location normally not affected by current medications.  This approach could lead to a higher likelihood that HIV could actually be eradicated from the body.   As it is now, the virus can hide in many places in the body such as bone marrow, the lungs, the brain & others.  

I realize there's been a lot of talk lately of "Functional" cures for HIV.  I purposely haven't been covering these articles.  There isn't a lot of actual info out there yet.   Yes, there are a ton of articles on the miracle baby & those other 14 or so people, but not much only the actual heart of the matter.

I still think the best hope for a "Cure" will come from a steady development of meds, education, testing & treatment.  I don't think the answers will be found in flukes.   Maybe in time these oddities might produce results, but I thinks it's too early divert all our attention to them, when we have so much more in the works.


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