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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Stress, Blogging & Life...

Lately, I've been having a lot of issues beyond my control, a good example are the issues I keep having with my pharmacy.  This type of arbitrary thing drives me a little batty. I do all I can do to make this process go as smoothly as possible, to no avail.  The entire thing can be screwed up by someone at my doctor's office or the pharmacy.  Still, even if it was their mistake, I'm the person who gets screwed by the mistake.

Being + & on disability puts me at odds with a lot of things.  I'm often left feeling like a bit a flotsam scuttling along on the current with absolutely no control over what's happening.   Yet, I'm supposed to stay calm & carry on as if everything is fine.  I don't handle that last part very well.  I don't just carry on, it freaks me out a little & sometimes a lot.

As a person of less than great health, I know how important it is to control my stress levels.  The doctors tell you this all the time.  You need to reduce your stress.  Funny thing, no one ever says how.  I do my best to keep stressors out of my life but some I just can't get rid of that easily.  I mean these are my meds were talking about here.  The same meds that, oh I don't know, keep me alive.  Yet the people at my doctors office & my pharmacy are messing with things.  So, at this point, I'm not sure how not to get stressed out over this matter.

When these things come up, they become the focus of my day until I can get something resolved.  This certainly doesn't put me in a place to handle other things well, like writing a blog entry.  I have a social services review to fill out on Thursday & then I have to wait for them to decide whatever else they need & then wait to see if everything went alright.  I'm not looking forward to this.

I've been frazzled lately & I haven't been the most attentive to my blog.  Hopefully, these things will pass soon & I can get back to a more normal sate of being.  I really hate outside people screwing with my life.


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