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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Good Bye February...

Until we meet again next year.  February 2013 is over & March is arriving.  I can't say I'm sad to see this month end.  It hasn't been the most pleasant for us.  I'm looking forward to warmer weather & longer days.  I've never been a big fan of Winter.  I can do without all the drear & weirdness of the season.

So far March is pretty open for us.  I have a doctor's appointment on the 11th.  We're planning on seeing the movie Jack.  Other than that we're pretty clear.  

There will be the normal errands & trips to Fort Smith.  I'm hoping it's warm enough to get onto spring cleaning.  My mornings will be brighter soon & I can probably get back to outside, morning exercise soon, weather permitting.

Again, so long February & hello March.


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