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Friday, February 1, 2013

Buyer Beware...

I've been on my current regimen for several years.  The only reason I'm on this 1, is that about 4 years ago 1 of my meds was discontinued.  If not, I'd still be taking fortovase, instead invirase & norvir as a replacement.  I'm also on didanosine & lamivudine,  Better known as videx & epivir.

I've been on some form of epivir/lamivudine since my 1st regimen.  My very 1st regimen was fortovase & combivir.  Combivir is a combo of epivir & retrovir (aka AZT).  It turned out, I'm allergic to retrovir.  I wound up hospitalized & needed 4 units of blood & breathing treatments.  I also ended up on dapsone for a while & gained a lot of weight.  At that point I was put of epivir, videx & fortovase.

Over time, fortovase was phased out & invirase & norvir replaced it.  Then generics made epivir & videx become lamivudine & didanosine.  I've been on this cocktail for years now.  I know it's a dinosaur but it works for me.  

This last order from pharmacy had a surprise in it.  A complete & dangerous screw up.  Someone must have checked the wrong box somewhere, instead of lamivudine, I wound up with lamivudine/zidovudine.  Zidovudine is another name for retrovir.  The pharmacy had sent me the generic version of combivir.  The stuff that nearly killed me.  

Luckily I always check my meds when they come in & I saw the mistake.  Now, I'm just waiting for them to call me about what to do about this botched up order.   Was someone in the wrong for sending me the wrong order?  Yes, but that's beside the point here.  You have to take control of your meds & know your regimen.  If something comes that isn't right or seems off call your pharmacy & figure it out.  The wrong medicine can kill you.  

Most likely this was a matter of a wrong box being checked.  The pharmacy should not have sent it regardless, because of my allergy.  However, in the end, it was up to me examine my order & not take the wrong meds.  Luckily, I'm the right frame of mind to handle those things now.  Early on in this illness, I wouldn't have been & might very well have taken the wrong medication.  Sorta scary, huh?


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