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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Nothing Much...

My roomie is out for the day & I'm here just surfing the web.  I considered my options of things to do, but nothing seemed all that great.  I opted to stay home, until I have to go pick my roomie up from her friend's.  

The problem with my area is that besides lacking in the HIV department, it lacks in just about every other department as well.  Unless your looking to thump a bible, toss a football or scream turn left at NASCAR playing on the TV, you're out of luck around here.  

More than the lack of options in most regards, even more so than the fact I have to drive at least 30+ miles for anything remotely fun, the biggest problem for me in this area, is the inherent boredom.  Sure, I could clean the house or do something constructive, but sometimes you just need to get out of the house.

I'm positive some people actually adore my area.  I'm also pretty sure they're probably inbred hillbillies with 2 trailer homes rigged together, 15 barking hound dogs & even more dead, rusted out cars in their yard.

If I have a goal, it's simple, to eventually live some place a little more lively.  I'd like to have my choices restricted by my limited funds more than a lack of availability of things to do.  If not, my tombstone will probably read that I died of sheer boredom, not HIV.

Yes, I'm ranting about something that isn't as important as HIV testing, meds or research.  But, being bored is depressing & frustrating.  Both of which can & will affect your well-being.  There's little motivation to do anything, when there really isn't anything to do.  Hopefully someday this area will be in my rear-view mirror.


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