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Saturday, February 9, 2013

6th Saturday...

This is the 6th Saturday of 2013.  I don't feel like I've accomplished much of anything so far.  This season has had some major curve balls for my roomie & me.  I'm not making excuses here.  I'm acknowledging a person only has so many resources before they're tapped.  We've been hitting tapped out a lot lately.

There are a lot of areas where I wanted to be doing more by now, but I'm not.  Things have popped up here & there that have demanded too much of us to focus on anything else.  It's getting better, but there are still some things lingering about.

We're having to prioritize our lives & deal with things we didn't necessarily want to be front & center but  are, at least for the time being.  Problems & crisis don't care about your schedule & are prone to wreck any regimen.  The trick here is to remember you can get back to it.  Just because your routine was temporarily disrupted, doesn't mean you can't go back to it.

Between issues with cats, weather, health, etc... our schedules have been challenged, but we'll get back into the groove.  It's just the crap life throws at you.  You can't dodge all of it.


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