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Sunday, February 3, 2013

1st Sunday, 2nd Month...

February is up & going & this will be a slightly busy week for us.  The 1st week of the month always is.  There are errands to run & bills to be paid.  Still it's nice to have the majority of over with by the week's end.  

This is our schedule & it allows us some sense of control over our environment.  Having this bit of control gives us a little breathing room & lessens stress for us.  Not to mention, the bills are paid, woohoo for us.  

I know this might seem like a small thing, but my roomie & I are at a point where we have to take whatever wins we can.  So, we really count the little things.  Recognizing them helps alleviate some of the chaos & stress in our lives.

Right now there are some issues in our lives that are somewhat out of our hands, at least for the moment.  We both hate that kind of thing.  It's the waiting & the sense of dread from dealing with the unknown that drives us nutty.  We try very hard to make sure to clear out as many of the stressors in our lives as possible. 

People underestimate stress.  They often don't acknowledge what stresses them out or to what extent they're taxed by it.  Stress affects everything in your life; social activities, focus, sleep, health, etc...  There is no such thing as a stress free life.  The only way to without stress, is to be dead.   

But, we can try to take care of what we can, when we can to lessen the load we're carrying.  Say you have 10 problems, 9 are small & 1's huge.  Don't try to fix the huge problem 1st, take out all the small issues & then you can focus on dealing with the monster.  It might be tremendous, but for now it's a single thing, not 10.


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