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Thursday, February 7, 2013

What Winter?

According to the weather service, the 10-Day  forecast for my area is actually hot for February in Oklahoma.  We'll between the 50's to 70 F during the day & our coldest will be the upper 30's.  This is dead-center Winter in Oklahoma, so what gives?   We had 1 decent snow & it wasn't that great.  We've had very little precipitation.  There have been fire & high wind warnings all season.  

Allergies are already picking up.  The mowing season could be longer or the weather could get so hot it just kills the grass.  There are flowers in our yard that haven't bloomed in 2 years, because it's been so dry.  Some of them may finally be dead.  The bugs are sure to be hell, hopefully the fleas won't be too bad.

The house I live in is in a mouse prone area.  Last year I caught several throughout the winter.  There were a few back in November as it was cooling down, but none sense.  I've had a descent bird population all Winter.  Some birds that should've left for the season, but didn't.  

This Summer could prove to be a real pain.  Hopefully it won't, but it's not looking good.


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