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Monday, February 11, 2013

Coming Up Short...

Didn't have much to say today, so I went to & typed in HIV.  Most the pics were about fashion.  Sure there were items about the virus, tests & meds, but mostly it was about fashion & accessories.  

About half of these fashion plates were by designers supporting HIV.  Others had nothing to do with the virus whatsoever.  Why were they there?  Who knows?

That's the way it goes when you try to look up or research something online.  You never know what you might find.  Will you find what you're looking for?  Will it be pertinent?  Will it be totally unrelated?  Will it be utter BS?  May it possibly turn out to be that crucial piece of the info puzzle you've been searching for?  Yes, No, Maybe.. Thank You for playing...

My roomie & I run into this fairly frequently.  We try to be as informed as possible regarding things that impact our lives.  We are both more than competent researchers, but still it's not easy wading through the tripe on the web.

Recently, I discussed a screw up with my meds.  If I had not kept up to date on my meds, I might not have caught it.  If I hadn't have caught it, I could seriously be dead.  More recently my roomie is dealing with a weird financial issue, that quite frankly stumped us.  We started researching only to find out this issue had everyone guessing.

Once certain we were out of our depth, we continued researching so we could understand things as much as possible when she finally takes this matter to a professional.  We're not happy about having to admit we're incapable in this instance, but better to admit it & get help, then screw it up.

I guess the point here is, that even though internet is an amazing resource, it has it's limits.  It's limited by what's posted.  How that material is posted.  How refined your research skills are.  Finally, there are some things that professional don't post about their fields.  Then there are times even if professional material is posted, you might not understand it.  The net is great, but sometimes you need real people & face time to solve your problems.


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