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Sunday, February 10, 2013


Today is turning out to be nicer than yesterday.  We had some rain last night & the grey skies have parted.  There's another storm brewing for Tuesday, but that's then.  For now, I'll enjoy the sunshine.  I've gotten about half my exercise in already, which will beat yesterday's total.  I felt like crap yesterday afternoon & got very little done.

My philosophy about exercise & weight loss is simple, "keep moving."  As long as I keep moving & watch what I eat, eventually I will lose the weight I want.  This isn't some race I'm in.  As long as I'm mostly moving forward, I"m OK with that.

I have a telemedicine appointment on the 20th.  Hopefully, everything will go alright.  I have to try & pick up my lab results this week.  Not much else going for me today.


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