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Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Tomorrow is the beginning of the professional phase of the problem my roomie is dealing with right now.   Last night she opted for us to take a drive out there today to locate this place.  I'm very happy she did.  Neither of us had ever been there.  The address in the phone book was out of date & Google directions was only off by 5 miles.

This is not a pleasant endeavor to say the least.  If we had waited until tomorrow to try & find this place, it would've only added to an already stressful endeavor.  Now we know where it's at & that's 1 less thing to worry about tomorrow.

It may not sound like much, but it's at least a little off our load.  Sometimes all you can do to a problem is pick at it.  Hopefully you can whittle away at it, until it's a manageable thing.

Here's hoping tomorrow goes smoothly.


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