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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Telemedicine Done...

I had my telemedicine appointment today.  Although it almost didn't happen.  Thanks to Oklahoma's freaky weather, Monday it was unseasonably warm & humid, but today it chilled down a lot.  It actually snowed for  quite a bit here this morning.  The worst of it fell north of us.

The snow almost stopped the bus from coming.  As it was, they were nearly 30 minutes late.  Now, everything else in my day is running a little behind.  I'm not sure if this white stuff will stick or not.  Unless it gets colder, it should melt off soon.  The problem lies in the overnight hours.  We're supposed to have rain & it could freeze.

It's a definite enough thing that my roomie rearranged her schedule so she wouldn't be out in it tomorrow.   Hopefully this will all be cleared up soon.  I really hope whatever weather comes, it doesn't knock out the power or internet.  

I'm a bit chilly & I have stuff to get done, so I'll post again tomorrow.


PS... My lab results were fairly good, not great for other people, but typical for me.

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