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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Testy & Tense...

I had planned on writing about some article or another, but that isn't happening.   The weather is odd & so am I.  I've been feeling wired & exhausted for most of 2013.  A lot of crap has fallen our way & I was hoping it'd be dealt with by now.  It mostly has been, at least as far as I can tell.  But still, I'm feeling tense.  

I was hoping today would be quiet & easy so I could focus better.  That didn't happen, I had a wide open morning with nothing to do.  I was just going to go through it & enjoy having nothing on my plate.  So much for that.  My internet was slow last night & died this morning for a while.  Thast left me dealing with Suddenlink, yuck!  Then my "lovely" pharmacy called for a refill order. 

Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but after last month's screw ups with them, I'm left feeling anxious.   I managed to get through my morning stretches & midday exercise, but I'm still unfocused & frazzled.  I really wish everything would get it's act together & stop being such a total F'Up for a week or so.  That would be just F'in wonderful.

Sorry for the rant.


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