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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday Again...

This is the last Wednesday of February 2013.   This year is zipping right along.  As usual today is trash day.  I've said before that I like trash day.  1st, it's a marker of how far I am in the week.  But mostly, it's the feeling of getting stuff out of my house I don't need.  

I'm looking forward to warmer weather.  I'll be more inclined to get the house back in shape than I am now. It's hard to deal with serious cleaning, when there are blankets & afghans tossed everywhere.  I'll also be glad to get back to my steps on a more regular basis.  They really helped me keep to my exercise routine & lower my blood pressure.  

In 11 more days Daylight Saving Time kicks back in & thing will be an hour later.   My roomie hates the spring forward time.  I'm not too bad with it.  Spring is on it's way & many of the plants are budding.  Allergens were out in mass today, but I forgot to take my allergy meds this morning.  I'm very thankful for hot tea.  It helps me get through these days.

Albeit I'm not looking forward to grass mowing & fleas, I am looking forward to warmer weather & open doors.  I miss have the windows open & having the house aired out.  Here's looking forward to Spring.


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