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Thursday, January 31, 2013


Had an early start this morning.  I had to go get labs drawn.  I try to go as early as possible.  I refuse to go after 9 AM, it's just too busy past that.  Between that & some errand running, I'm a little tired this afternoon. My hot shower didn't help any on that point.  

It'll be at least a week before I can the results.  Then I'll have to take them with me to see my specialist.  Hopefully, my numbers are good, but I'm not going to be surprised if they're a little off.  This Winter has been rough on me both physically & due to stress.  If there's been a bug in the area, my roomie, myself or both of us have caught it.  

Oh well, here's hoping for good numbers.  This stuff always stresses me out somewhat.  I hate the waiting & not knowing.   Then again, I'm just not fond of going to the doctor.


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