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Monday, January 28, 2013

Needed Break...

Things have gone a little sideways for us at the moment.  I it's not doing either of us any good to stay inside today.  We've opted to good out for a while & maybe catch a movie.  I know escapism isn't the best way to handle your problems, but sometimes you just need a break.  There are times when you just need a distraction to let your mind be at ease for a bit.  It won't solve the problem, but it might let you be better equipped to deal with whatever crap has entered your life.

My mother was a master of avoidance.  If her alcohol didn't drive off the troubles of the day, then surely a new location would.   We moved a lot.  It never really helped, because her problems weren't with the place we'd been, her problems were with herself.  Still, the idea of just starting over from time to time is really tempting.   A new life, a new place, a new name.  Too bad it's nothing but a temporary fix.

Maybe, I can't just up & move, but I can go to the theater & let my mind roam for a while.  It may not be much, but right now, it's the best I can do.  


PS... Did I mention it's so warm today my roomie has a fan on?  This weather is being a trip. It's 76 F here in January, a month into Winter.  I really hope Summer isn't hell.

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