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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Not Again...

I'm not sure where the mess up happened this time, but it did.  I called to place my refill order for my meds today.  The pharmacy person told me that my meds had been changed.   I am on 4 meds & have been for quite some time.  I don't want anyone messing with them until we absolutely have to.   I call & all but 1 of my meds has been cancelled.  They were replaced by Combivir, which has Retrovir.  I am allergic to Retrovir, it put me in the hospital.  I got a little frantic & started making calls.  The pharmacy said my doctor's nurse changed it & she said she didn't.  In the end, I didn't really care who messed up, just fix it & don't screw with my drugs man!

Stress, I don't need it, especially from something like this.  More tomorrow.


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