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Thursday, January 3, 2013

13 & 2...

I'm doing a 2nd post today, because 13 years ago on this day I was diagnosed with HIV.  I'm 46, but I'm also 13.  I've live 13 years with this illness.  Technically it's been longer, I just didn't know what was wrong with me.  For over 28% of my life I've been +.  I won't say it's been all fun times, but it hasn't been all bad either.  You learn a lot of truths about your life & those in it when you're +.  Some of them you probably didn't want to know, but you don't get a lot choices in these matters.

Today is also the 2nd anniversary of this blog.  I've continued posting for 2 how years.I was surprised about that last year, but not this time.  I can & will keep doing this.  I will record my life & takes on things even if it's just for my own sake.  Here's looking forward to year 3.


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