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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

On The Mend...Still....

Whatever hit us after our errands on Monday is still lingering a bit.  It's definitely over stayed it's welcome.  I woke up nauseous & had an irritable stomach.  Hopefully, this is on it's way out.  I think we've opted to pass on the Thai place.  Neither of us wants to risk feeling like this again.  

This hasn't been a pleasant Winter so far & we're not even a full month into it.   Isn't that awesome for us.  Other than the flu, I think the 2 of us have caught just about every little, annoying bug out there. Between that & sinuses, this has not been the fun. 

It's made exercising a real chore.  Being gassy & nauseous is not a good thing when you're trying to do crunches.   My heads been so stopped-up that my balance is off, so the exercise ball is a real trick.  So far this has been a colder Winter than last year, but not too bad.  Considering last year, other than 1 bout of ice, we barely had a Winter.

Here's hoping we're done with this mess soon.


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