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Sunday, January 20, 2013


This is the 3rd Sunday of 2013 & t's been a fairly decent day.  The year's gotten off to a rough start for my roomie & me.   Last week was no fun at all health wise, but I seem to be doing better.  It's fairly warm here today & will probably make it into the 60's F.  Exercise is returning to normal & so are most of my daily activities.

By the end of the month, I'll have to go get blood drawn again.  I have an appointment with my specialist via Telemedicine mid-February.  I'm hoping my numbers aren't off, but as ill as I've stayed the last bit, they might be.

Winter isn't an easy season for me.  It's mainly the low light levels.  When there is enough light, it's that blinding Winter light.  Most the time it's just gray.  I'll be glad when my early morning light is back & I'm waking up easier in the mornings.  I know, I'm never happy with the weather.

Hopefully, the rest of the week will stay on the same track as today.


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