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Monday, January 7, 2013

Another Monday...

Today is the 1st Monday of 2013.  I'm not sure if that's a good thing, a bad thing  or not even a thing at all. It was just another Monday for us here.  We had shopping to do & there some things that need doing later in the day.  On Wednesday I have a dental appointment for a cleaning.   

This year is starting off slowly for articles & the such.   Later this month I'll need to get blood drawn for an appointment with my specialist in February.   As often as I do this, you'd think I wouldn't care about doing it.  But, I do.I always get apprehensive about these days.  Will the lab screw up my tests again?  Will it be a pain to get my results back?  Will there be something wrong with my results?  

And they wonder why going to the doctor's office raises you blood pressure.  I really have about had my fill of stressors lately & would like it if they'd kindly take a break for a while.  Between sick animals, sick people & sucky plumbing, my nerves are a little frayed.   That's about it for now.


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