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Friday, January 4, 2013

A Slow One...

Just had some shopping to do this morning.  We'd contemplated getting some maintenance done on the little car, but then we remembered this is the last day before school reopens & the mechanic will probably be filled with last minute people.  We can wait until next week when all the kiddies are back in school.

I didn't see any articles of interest today, but at least I got some walking in while shopping.  Going to Walmart can turn into a weird relay race of back & forth.  They keep moving crap around.   What should take me 15 minutes often winds up eating half an hour.

Things are starting to get back to normal.  I'm getting more exercise in during the day.  My schedules are more stable.  I'm coming to terms with us being a 3 indoor-cat, household again.  I'm not sure the cats are though yet.  Personally, I'm glad today's going to be a slow 1.


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