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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Just A Comment...

My roomie & I have been dealing with a lot of things lately.  One of those is our ongoing endeavor to exercise & lose weight.  It's been a regular part of life since last February.  Things we've noted.

1st, you have to admit how & why you got there to begin with.  Did you just over eat?  Was there a reason for the over eating?  Do you have a medical issue?  Is it some combination of things?  Regardless, this answer is vastly important for you succeeding in your goal.

When you've figured out how you got to the point that you feel the need to lose weight, you've got a surprise coming.  There are literally 100's of websites, books & opinions on how to lose weight.  Guess what?  You're going have to try a lot of them until you figure out what works for you.  1 singular point of importance here, nobody else gets to be the authority of your body or weight loss.  How much you cut back on calories or food types is up to you.   Your body will tell you how much exercise it can handle.  Listen to it, even if it isn't very much in the beginning.  If you keep at it, you'll become stronger & more endurant. 

Finally, weight loss is weird.  It doesn't come off like it went on.  My weight went on fairly evenly.   It isn't coming off that way.  My legs & arms are slimming fairly quickly.  My chest & upper legs are starting to catch up.  However, the upper thighs, rear & gut are liking watching some odd ice cube melt.  At least it is coming off slowly.

Often we get ourselves into the messes strewn through our lives.  It's up to us to clean them up.  Sure you can get advice, but you're who's going to have to do the work.


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