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Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I got a card in the mail today.  It came to the house addressed to me.  That's odd in itself.  Most of my mail goes to the box we rent.  I rarely if ever get cards & if I do its from places of business like the bank,  the dentist or eBay.  I just assumed it was a new tactic of someone wanting me to borrow $ from 1 of the zillion little loan shark companies in my area.

I was wrong, it was from the Vet.  It was a condolence card showing their sympathy for the passing of Alice.  I hit a couple of things right off.  1st, I was thankful to be remembered in this way.  I was also a bit put off because I really didn't want to deal with this matter today.  Here it was again, front & center.  Then it hit me.

Not only is the only way the people who work in their office can show their sympathy, they probably have to do it all the time.   While I know what happened with Alice being put down was for the best, the idea of doing that everyday, possibly several times a day would be more than I could handle.  

I can be fairly heartless when it comes to most people, but animals are different.  Animals don't ask for the messes people get them into.  Animals don't understand why some people are vicious, cruel or abandon them.   All most animals want from you is to be left alone.  For the domesticated types, they need us, because we made them dependent on us.  If I was wealthy & had the space, I'd probably have more animals than you could count, just so they could have a home.  Some people call their pets their kids, they're not.  Children can grow up & learn to take care of themselves, animals can't.  

I feel little out of sorts with myself for being upset about the card.  I do appreciate the sentiment towards me,  However, even more so, I appreciate the fact that someone else remembered Alice as well.  I hope whoever has her in the next life understands what a treasure they've been allowed to have for a while.  There's a quote I can't seem to find from a cartoon, that says,  "Life is a gift we can't keep forever."  I know this may seem a bit silly but here's the closing clip from that episode.  I guess it's fitting considering Alice was a cat & she had left this place for her next adventure.  I only hope she got enough from her time with us to be strong in whatever follows.


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