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Sunday, January 27, 2013

OMG!!! WTF!!! This Is Stupid!!!

I'm back & this article I just read pissed me off.  Please read it.   The gist is there are some incredibly stupid people out there actively seeking to become HIV +.  The article list several reasons these people cited for being "Bug Chasers" & hosting bug-chasing parties.  IMO, every reason given was absolute BS!!!  They consider the people willing to pass on the virus, "Gift Givers."  Now, that's load of bull for you.

There are those people out there who try to play safe & get infected.  I can have sympathy for them.  There are people who are just to stupid or lazy not to catch the virus.  Those people need to be slapped, but at least it wasn't on purpose.  Then there are these ass-hats who purposely got themselves infected.  Again, IMO, just shoot them.  

The attitude is appalling.  Now, they'll have to be provided for & eventually looked after.  If they couldn't be bothered not to get infected, then I seriously doubt they'll stick to a regimen.  They'll probably see it as a great honor to give someone else the, "Gift."

Read the article, but I warn you this article is about stupid people.


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