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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Weird Weather...

Not that I'm complaining, but August is the month of brown grass & blazing thermometers.   But my yard is needing mowed & the high for today is supposed to be in the low 90's.  I had to turn off a fan last night because I got a little chilly.  This isn't what August weather is usually like.

I've been sleeping better.  Actually, it's been a little hard to stay awake with the evenings as cool as they've been.  The cats are frolicking about, which BTW can get a little annoying.  At least they feel well enough to do it.  The best thing here is the sleep though.  When I sleep well, I feel tremendously better.   A good night's sleep replenishes you & takes the edge off the day.

I'm not sure how long this reprieve will last, but while it's here I intend to enjoy it.  Hope everyone else is doing well.


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