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Friday, August 3, 2012

OMG.. Head Bonk Moment...

It's like those V-8 commercials when the person bonks their head.  I bought my roomie some Greek yogurt today & was not pleased by the price of it.  I thought I'd read something about this kind of yogurt being easy to make, so I read up on it. 

My family used to make it's own cottage cheese & other similar cheeses, they also churned butter.  I figured making Greek yogurt had to be easier than churning butter.  When I wiki'ed it, the page was redirected to strained yogurt.  That's right, not Greek, but strained.  The Greek variety is just strained through a cheesecloth to remove about half the liquid.  This concentrates it & virtually halves the bad stuff & doubles the good stuff.

I would've like to have come across this tidbit of info earlier  made use of it. Oh well, I've got it now & can now buy regular yogurt & strain it.  I'll save a lot of $ that way.  Better late than never.   Just goes to show, you can always learn something about things you thought you knew well.


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