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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Food Security...

I've seen a lot of articles lately about HIV & food security, or the lack of it.  This article deals with the effects of food insecurity on those with HIV.  Before I read the article all I could think was, with no food I couldn't take half my meds.  Without taking those meds, my health would be threatened & the virus in my system could become resistant.

This was a study in San Francisco that focused on 347 poor people & of those they classified over 50% as being, "Food Insecure."  
Food security means someone is able to access good and healthy food at any time,” said Jean Cooper, director of programs for the Glide Foundation.
The consequences of being food insecure are serious enough for those not dealing with a chronic illness.  For people who are dependent of daily meds that require food, it can prove deadly.  These food insecure people were twice as likely to be hospitalized.  Besides the lack of nutrients & calories, there is the inability to take some meds.   Then there is the stress caused by knowing that you're food situation is dire.  This can bring on a host of mental & emotional issues.  

The option of assistance isn't all that easy either.  In SF, making just over $1,000 a month is enough to cut off most assistance programs.  In most of urban California, rent, even on an efficiency apartment, can past that mark quickly.  So, if these people have a place to live, even a shack, they probably don't have enough $ to pay for food.  Just being on some assistance programs can disqualify you for getting aid from others.

Dealing with food security is going to have to be a factor in treating HIV.  People who aren't in a good frame of mind often make poor choices.  Without food, they may not be able to take their meds & this may cause viral resistance.  All in all, making sure people with HIV have enough food is good for the + people & public health in general.


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