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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Appointment Done...Check...

I had my telemedicine appointment today.  Everything went pretty much as expected.  I had 2 things confirmed today.

1st, I am affected by White Coat Syndrome.  I've been taking my blood pressure for 6 months & it has fallen about 10 points on both readings.  Sometimes more.  My usually range is somewhere in the 120's over somewhere in the 70's.  Not super low, but not high either. Yet, let me get near a doctor's office & it goes up.  My BP today at the appointment was 142/82.  That's borderline, no cause for alert, but concern is warranted.    The thing is I'd just taken my BP an hour earlier & it read 117/74.  I took it about hour after I got home & it was 126/74.  It's clear, doctors' offices make me nervous.

2nd, after months of revving up my exercise routine & having it falter some last month, I'm starting to see results.    Maybe not huge ones, but hey I started out doing 5 minutes a day in February & worked my way up to 20 - 30 minutes daily now.  Since my last appointment 6 months ago, I've lost 20 lbs.  I'd like'd for it to have been more, but 20 is still good for me.  At this rate it might take me 3 years to lose the weight I want, but it's better than not losing it at all.  I'd rather lose it slowly & have a better chance of keeping it off than rush it & have it all yo-yo back.

To wrap things up.  I do have an aversion to doctors' appointments.  I have lost 20 pounds.  I'm free & clear of the specialist for several more months & my lab results were fine.  Woohoo for me.  Until tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. And I say, "YAY!!!" I've watched you work really hard over the last several months. Losing 20 lbs is awesome.
