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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Momentary Reprieve...

We're supposed get pretty hot today, so I was surprised when it was my normal noonish, exercise time that we were still under 95 F.  It didn't stay that way long, but it did allow me to actually do my 2nd set of outdoor steps today.  It's been so hot lately that I haven't been able to do the 2nd outside set in over a week.  I had to drop the later set over 3 weeks ago & adjust for more indoor routines.

The heat is really doing a number on my exercise routine.  Even, when I'm inside I can still tell it's hot & muggy.  Both of which make it hard for me to exercise.  Correction, they make it hard for me to breathe when I exercise.

So, I'm thankful that it was cool enough today to do the 2nd set.  Probably won't be tomorrow, but that's then.  


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